Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Am Dead - In response to a poem

Drawing steps...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Google Saree

Indian fashion dress is not just about the colors. A perfect wardrobe comprise of the dresses which can be worn any time. A perfect wardrobe consist of all type of dreses i.e from most sexy to most traditional ones. Indian fashion dress can be equally sexy and traditional. That’s what most special in indian fashion dress.

Indian Fashion Dress Code: Essential Wardrobe Tips

Author: Utsav Sarees

There are different clothing styles. Some people prefer clothes in bulk while others to have selected outfits. In other words, there is a growing debate on quantity of clothes v/s quality of clothes.

There are many differences between quantity of clothes and quality of clothes, but there is one feature that both these school of thought agree on. This feature being that when it comes to fashion, there are a few colors and styles which are regarded as wardrobe essentials. Whether one goes in for quantity of clothes or quality of clothes, in both these cases one has some basic colors.

Indian fashion dress has always known for its attractive textures, embroideries, fabrics, cuts and styles. In present context, there is a wide variety of clothes and colors. However it may seem difficult to come down to a few basic colors. But this is the truth. Everybody may have an endless color sequence fashion dreses in their wardrobe. But a few colors and cuts are common to all beings. These colors are black, white, navy blue, brown and a few more. They are regarded as wardrobe essentials.

Our Indian Fashion is incomplete without these basic colors. Any apparel comprising of any of these colors is indeed important. One may have more variety in terms of colors but some shades never seem to take a back seat.

Though these colors are basic yet they play a significant role. The advantage of these essentials shades is that they look good for any and every occasion. And secondly, they are always in fashion.

Thus, unconsciously though we have kind of created a dress code for ourselves and we label it as Indian Fashion dress code. It comprises of some essentials that are very important to us. And some colors seem to have created a permanent place in our heart.

Indian fashion dress is not just about the colors. A perfect wardrobe comprise of the dresses which can be worn any time. A perfect wardrobe consist of all type of dreses i.e from most sexy to most traditional ones. Indian fashion dress can be equally sexy and traditional. That’s what most special in indian fashion dress.

For example, Indian fashion sarees can be most traditional once worn with the long heavily embellished blouses, normal style blouses and on other side could be given equal sexy look with those noodle strap, backless choli blouses.

Thus a perfect wardrobe comprise of everything for every occasion. Many online women clothing stores are now coming up with exclusive options. is among some online indian websites offering indian fashion clothes for all occasions like festival, office wear, weddings, parties, casual meets etc for the customers worldwide.

Article Source:

About the is one complete stop shop for designer Indian clothes for women. Indian Sarees, salwar kameez and lehenga cholis are available online in wide variety. With millions of satified customers worldwide, we are leading the clothing category since decades.

Monday, April 12, 2010

A planet

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Going to the Planets With Your Eyes and Imagination

By: Jeff Seward

A good way to teach your kids their first lesson about the eight or nine (depending on how you wish to tell them about Pluto) planets of the solar system is by combining factual lessons with visible sightings of the planets.

How to Teach Your Kids about Planets

START BY DISTINGUISHING PLANETS FROM STARS; this will also help them understand better why planets are easier to identify among the thousands of stars in the sky if they know what they're looking for. This may also be a good time to start explaining to them why Pluto, once known as the 9th planet in the solar system, has been demoted to becoming a dwarf star.

YOU CAN MAKE LESSONS MORE INTERESTING by providing explanations behind the stories of the planets' names. This makes a great segue from astronomy to Greek and Roman mythology.

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to see all eight planets in one night so consider dividing your home astronomy lessons into several sessions.

SHOW YOUR KIDS A PHOTO OF OUR EARTH and explain to them why our planet is livable compared to other planets in the solar system. If possible, enumerate the factors that make Earth inhabitable. This is also a good time to explain why scientists believe there's a chance for Mars to have once been inhabited and the theory of aliens.

VENUS is the closest planet to Earth and is the easiest planet to locate with the naked eye because of its brightness. Although the phases of Venus can only be visible through the use of a telescope, you could show photos that will give your kids a good idea about the dangers of the greenhouse effect and emphasize to them the importance of keeping the environment clean.

JUPITER is the next easiest planet to locate with the naked eye because of its size. Make sure, therefore, that you mention to your kids how Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. If you have a small telescope with you, you can also point out to them where the Red Spot of the planet is and how it's actually a storm that has been brewing for more than three centuries. This is a good time to explain the differences in Jupiter's and Earth's weather and why we're blessed to have weather like ours.

MARS can be easily located as well because of its distinctive coloring. You can elaborate on what you've discussed earlier on by enumerating the similarities between Mars and Earth.

MERCURY is the closest planet to the Sun, and you can explain why its location or proximity to the center of the solar system makes it difficult to locate at certain times of the day. You can also provide explanations as to why Mercury's weather is extremely hot and cold at day and night respectively before citing the possibility of having the same thing happen to Earth.

ALTHOUGH SATURN IS NOT THE ONLY PLANET IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM WITH RINGS, it is however the most famous. Saturn will appear yellowish to the naked eye but its rings will only be visible with the help of a telescope. If you can show your kids what the rings look like, you can then explain to them what these rings are made of.

URANUS can only be seen by the naked eye if it's shining at its brightest. You will also have to be an optimal place and time. If you're living in a city, you might need the help of a telescope to give your kids a better and clearer view of this planet.

NEPTUNE is the most difficult planet to locate by the naked eye and conditions have to be near perfect first before this can be possible. Together with Uranus, both planets require you to study planetary schedules and locations if you wish to locate them at the shortest amount of time and effort.

And lastly, if you still have time and you do own a telescope, you can also show your kids Pluto. As Pluto is named after the God of the Dead, you might want to cite similarities between the mythical god and its equivalent planet. Explain about the controversy revolving the demotion of Planet.

And there ends your first home astronomy lesson for your kids. Prepare lots of food for the session because this makes a great bonding time for your family as well.

About the Author

Find Sun facts and Jupiter facts at the Planet Facts website.

(ArticlesBase SC #605083)

Article Source: - Going to the Planets With Your Eyes and Imagination

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dark Angel

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It is said that prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. To prostitute means to give someone the right to use the body for a sum. Do all the prostitutes sell their bodies for money only? Some might be selling their body for food, or a gift or something else. So, we can say that prostitution means selling the right to use the body for something in exchange.

I want to talk about a marriage where a woman sold her body for money and also few other things. She is the heroine of this story and lives in a conservative society, where pretenses are at times more important than truth. Our heroine was in deep love with a married man but had no guts to say so. Therefore she agreed to marry the villain of this story, a man who proposed marriage in front of her father. While getting married to this person, she cheated him. She lied to him by hiding her real love. But that is not the point of my story. Let me come to the basics.

Our heroine was married to the man/villain in full public view, so she had no reason to deny that marriage unless she divorced him. She never loved him, but carried on with this man and let him brutalize her in all the ways possible. At times, he raped her seven to eight times a night. Was this a marriage or did she sell herself like a prostitute for something?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Ancient Rome

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Rome has so much to offer to the world, not only by the various pieces of art and its massive and intricate architecture. Its history also speaks a lot of how great Rome is even before.

Roman Art

The arts of ancient Rome can be compared to those of the Greek’s. They do have their similarities. This can be attributed to the fact that when the Romans decided to conquer the Greeks, the former noticed how art was infused into the lifestyle of the latter. Out of curiosity and love for Greek art, Roman soldiers decided to bring such culture right at their own land. They also brought artists-slaves with them. Thus, if you will take a good look Ara Pacis, you will notice the fancy swirls, which are so Greek. Romans are also fond of creating portraitures and busts of famous persons. However, unlike the Greeks who love to dwell on the ideals of their artwork, the Romans were more focused on their design and technical aspects.

Roman Religion

Ancient Rome also shares almost the same beliefs and rituals practiced by the Greeks. For one, they both believed in too many gods, who had dominance over different portions of their lives, including marriage, occupation, and nature. Moreover, in Ancient Rome, their gods have their own Greek equivalent. A good example is the Zeus of Greece and Jupiter of Rome. Emperors too were being regarded as gods, especially by those who were living in eastern side of the Roman Empire. Though paganism could be the first religion of Romans, let’s not forget that Roman Catholicism also found its birth in the Eternal City.

Roman Clothing

It could have just been one wool piece they used to wrap around themselves. However, when Ancient Rome saw the more advanced dressing habit of Greece, they opted to adopt linen tunics, and they became even more comfortable. Footwear of both men and women were made of leather. On special occasions, Roman men were required to wear togas; however, they have to take note of the different ways to wear them, depending on their stature. Women, on the other hand, have to wear not jut one tunic, in addition to the veil or wool scarf they have to wrap around their tunics. This gave them warmth whenever the weather gets cold or it’s raining.

Roman People

People in ancient Rome enjoyed more freedom and equality than other countries and empires at that time. Even women were protected by their laws, though people who are located at the west side of the empire became more liberal than those who lived in the east. The Roman Empire was also open even to travelers; thus, there was so much interaction and increase of knowledge in ancient Rome. Nevertheless, the rise of minority groups in the empire also paved the way for cultural wars and tensions.

The disparity of men and women can be felt when it comes to education
. Girls were left at home, while boys were sent to school. Those who are living in the villages, meanwhile, were illiterate, simply because they couldn’t afford to get an education. The privileged ones, children who grew up in well-off families, had the opportunity to study in other cities, such as in Athens and Alexandria.

Walking around Rome is more than being inspired by its culture and history. It means reliving it, even if it’s going to be just for a day.


My Drawing steps ...

Farmer's Lung Disease - Is Total Recovery Possible?

By: Patti Olson

According to all the medical information about Farmer's Lung out there, the answer is no. Medical treatments DO NOT "cure" Farmer's Lung disease. Medical treatments at best manage the severity of the symptoms but offer no hope of reversing the effects of mold on the lungs and body. BUT, the medical community is only looking at treating the symptoms and not the cause!

I am going to back up a bit here and explain what Farmer's Lung Disease is and how it's acquired. Then I'll explain how it is possible for the body to heal itself.

According to the medical dictionary on, Farmer's Lung or Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is an inflammation of the lung (usually of the very small airways) caused by the body's immune reaction to small air-borne particles. These particles can be bacteria, mold, fungi, or even inorganic matter. So, Farmer's Lung is described as an allergic disease usually caused by breathing in the dust from moldy hay or dust from any moldy crop--straw, corn, silage, grain, or even tobacco.

Symptoms of acute hypersensitivity pneumonitis include:

* coughing,

* fever,

* chills,

* shortness of breath,

* body aches, etc.

Farmer's Lung or Hypersensitivity pneumonitis causes shortness of breath and a feeling of general illness. It can be from a sudden attack or as a slow progressive illness. Usually people with Farmer's Lung or Hypersensitivity pneumonitis don't associate their health issues with the moldy particles they are exposed to. They go to their doctor complaining of breathing problems that are very similar to bronchitis or pneumonia.

The physician usually treats the symptoms with antibiotics. Antibiotics are for bacterial infections and MAY relieve symptoms temporarily, but it will not last. In fact it may make things worse. Since the symptoms are initiated by the mold exposure and most antibiotics are made with mycotoxins (chemicals that molds produce) antibiotics tend to exacerbate the body's reaction.

Once diagnosed with Farmer's Lung or Hypersensitivity pneumonitis the first step in treatment is to avoid further contact with moldy dust. Bed rest is recommended and oxygen therapy may be needed to relieve shortness of breath for serious cases. Treatments may include cromolyn sodium and a corticosteroid to lessen the symptoms of hypersensitivity. The long-term use of these drugs is not advisable since they can hide the symptoms of Farmer's Lung without preventing lung damage from re-exposure to moldy dust.

According to medical information, once people become hypersensitive, they remain hypersensitive for years, perhaps for life.

BUT, is the medical community overlooking one major factor? - That the cause (mold) is still in the body!   Most doctors seem to think that the symptoms are only a reaction to mold as an allergen. They don't or won't recognize that mold or mycotoxins may still be in the patient's system and THAT'S what is causing the body's immune reaction to be hypersensitive.

Yes, in fact if you never get rid of the mold in your system you will remain hypersensitive for years or a lifetime. That part is correct. Treatments, then, need to address the cause, not hide the symptoms. So how do you get rid of fungus/mold in your body? By eliminating what it eats. Sugar.

When making bread, you give the fungus/yeast sugar. The active yeast feeds on the sugar and causes the bread to rise. Did you find that after your exposure to the moldy crop that you've experienced swollen joints? excess mucus? inflammation? That isn't just an allergic reaction. It may very well be that the cause is still in your body raising havoc.

Starting with a two week program that cuts out all sugars, you can detox and eradicate the mold from your system. When doing this you need to be aware of something called a healing crisis or Herxheimer's reaction. A healing crisis happens because when you starve the fungus/mold it causes a die off. This die off releases toxins into your blood stream and may cause flu-like symptoms. You actually start to feel worse initially. Once the mold is fully eliminated, the body can begin it's healing process and once again find balance.

Finding this information has been, excuse the pun, a breathe of fresh air, as it has saved the life of my ex-dairy farmer husband. David no longer has symptoms from his exposure in the fall of 1990 when he entered a silo full of corn silage to "uncap" it. Black corn mold filled the air and David ended up with a heavy exposure of mold and many years of compiling health issues and doctor visits. Symptoms lasted eleven years or more until we found the solution. No longer taking treatments for anything and having natural health is an immense blessing from God.

Will this work for you?  I don't know.  But, if you ask me if Farmer's Lung can be reversed I will emphatically say YES because my husband regained his health by addressing and eliminating the cause, the mold.

If you would like further information on my husband's recovery from Farmer's Lung go to

About the Author

Christian Professional Health & Wellness Coach, Patti Olson, found the answer to her chronic condition of 23 years, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and has helped many others overcome their chronic illness, reclaim their health and get their lives back.

Get her free report Overcome Chronic Conditions: 5 Step to Reclaiming Your Life at

(ArticlesBase SC #1189868)

Article Source: - Farmer's Lung Disease - Is Total Recovery Possible?

organized Room

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Three Simple Steps for Organizing Kid's Room

Life works incredibly well when our houses are clean and organized. When we’re organized, we can think more clearly, we’re more efficient, and we can take on projects that have lain dormant for months or even years.

This is especially true for kids. Too much clutter can weigh them down, leaving them overwhelmed by mess and confusion. I find that my daughter is much more creative with few things to play with than an over-abundance of mind-boggling piles of items from which to choose. In fact, if she has fewer toys, she actually plays with what she’s got. If she’s got too many, she doesn’t play with much.

But good, lasting organization doesn’t happen overnight. It is crucial to start smart because decluttering takes a lot of effort at the beginning. I strongly recommend getting expert advice in order to see results quickly and avoid getting bogged down in too much “stuff”. You’ll save yourself hours and hours of work if you listen to the right people.

When I got started on organizing kid’s rooms, I followed these simple steps to begin with:

Step 1. Clear Out the Toys – I actually found a place in our basement to keep all of our kid’s toys. They don’t play with all of them all of the time, so we keep toys put away and rotate them weekly. This helps to keep the play room and their bedrooms clean and clear. My kids love stuffed animals, so there’s a real tendency for them to pile up. Every day, I put extra stuffed animals in a basket in the bottom of the closet. This keeps them under control and my kids always know where to find them.

Step 2. Keep Beds Simple – I have to admit that this is a challenge for me. But when I started making beds every day and training my children to do the same, I found that excessive bed decorations make bed making too cumbersome. So, we have a few pillows, three animals, and a blanket. There’s nothing magical about three animals. I had to make some decision and that’s what I chose.

Step 3. Clean out Closets Often – When children are growing rapidly, they go through lots of different sizes of clothes quickly. So when organizing kid’s rooms, cleaning out closets is a must. We often add to their closet, but we forget to clean out the clothes that are getting too small. I do this every three months or so and I immediately put the too-small clothes in storage. When I’m finished having children, I’ll give them away every three to six months. Also, I don’t keep very many extra hangers in the closet. This is because I hang most things up so that I can readily see them. So I put extra hangers in a drawer of their chest of drawers. I also have a chest of drawers that I put in the closet for clothes and a chest of drawers in the room for dress up clothes.


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Different Fishing Techniques for Different Fish - Catching Channel, Blue and Flathead Catfish

Author: Daniel Eggertsen

There are three main species of catfish found in the rivers, lakes and streams of the United States - the channel catfish, the blue catfish, and the flathead catfish. For the most part, you go about catching them the same way, but there are some differences in technique between them. If you're going for a certain species of catfish, here are some tips on catching what you want.

Be Careful - Blues and Channel Cats Often Look Alike

Blue and channel catfish are often mistaken for one another. They do look surprisingly alike, and many beginner catfish anglers get them mixed up. The best way to tell the difference is by looking at the fins. Blues have anal fins at the very bottom of the spine that are long and pointy. Channels have more rounded fins in that area. Another way to tell what you've got is that blue catfish rarely have spots. If you see any spots at all, you know you've got a channel cat. Blues usually have bigger and more rounded heads as well. Once you've seen a few channel cats and blues, you'll be able to tell the difference by just looking at them.

Channel Cats

The tastiest catfish by far are channel cats. These fish are caught by private fishermen as well as big commercial enterprises because they are the best eating catfish.

You are most likely to find channel cats in big or medium sized rivers that don't have too much current, small ponds or lakes. Channel cats usually prefer warmer waters than the other species of catfish, especially for spawning. Channel cats usually hang out under logs and other obstructions in the water, and another good place to find them is in the spill out area of a dam.

The best time to catch channel cats is at night, during the summer when the waters are warm. Unlike other species of catfish, it is really tough to catch channels during their spawning season.

Channel cats will go after just about any bait you put out there, but they especially like live bait. Use nightcrawlers, bugs or other fish for best results. They are known to go for just about anything.


Blue cats are the big boys of the catfish kingdom. You can tell them because of their distinctive color, which is a kind of blue-grey, and also by the indicators mentioned above (the tail fins and overall shape). Blues roam just about any body of water you can imagine, they go out everywhere looking for food, and you can catch them when the water is freezing cold.

Article Source:

About the AuthorDan Eggertsen is a fishing researcher and enthusiast who is committed to providing the best catfish fishing information possible. Get more information on Catching Channel, Blue and Flathead Catfish here:

Flower essence

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Using Hisbicus Flowers to be a Happier Woman

Author: Joseph Silva

Flower essence therapy may be new to many people, although their use has flourished with the popularity of Rescue Remedy, an essence combination for relief of tension under traumatic situations. Beyond this formula, there are a great many flower essences presented to address a mixture of emotional and psychological states. Here we'll have a look at flower essences particularly supportive of everyday 'women's issues', which may help you in your pains to become an improved, more dazzling female! What is flower essences? Think of the beauty and frailty of a flower, the purity and glare of a solitary indigo in springtime. Imagine if we could capture the essence, the pure vibrational property of that flower, and take that beautiful frequency within our being to rebuild the fatigue in our soul or the grief in our kindness. This is the art and science of creating flower essences. As with homeopathic remedies, flower essences work by their rare vibrational signatures, not by the actual substance that is ingested. Homeopathic remedies lean to work nearer to the rude body, while flower essences have their peak outcome on the lean, emotions, and will. They act at a delicate intensity to repair harmony and pervade definite energy into the delicate energy matrix which forms the foundation of our brute life. Essences are traditionally made by insertion flora in a bowl of water in the sunlight for 4 to 5 hours. The achieve of the sunlight is to transfer the active piece, or vibrational frequency, of the flora into the water. Each flower has its own very feature frequency, and water is a medium which can handhold that kind of lively name. Once the water has been abundant printed, it is then decanted into bottles and preserved, mostly with brandy. Here are a few essences which may help the divine female in feat it's impending within you... - Alpine Lily can espousal the acceptance of one's femininity stranded in a deepened experience of the female body, selection overcome overly abstract sagacity of femininity where one feels disembodied, with alienation from or rejection of female organs as "junior." Alpine Lily flowered essence helps the female soul experience a more brilliant relationship to the female body. While this remedy can sometimes be showed for men who are addressing hidden womanly aspects of themselves, it is primarily beneficial for women who anchorage a psychological break in their relationship to the female code. These women tend to increase that which is more cosmic and virginal, and find it complex to link with the person position of the female. They have many spiritual attributes and actively use advanced womanly services, but do not integrate this consciousness with the animal body. Negative impressions of the female body are regularly unconsciously absorbed from the mother or from the larger mores. Because the soul does not totally name with, or inhabit the female body, rude stress and disharmony can answer in the reproductive organs, in the sexual party, or in the biological experience of pregnancy and nurture. Alpine Lily flowered essence stimulates the integration of the womanly and female selves, promoting circulation between the superior and lesser energy centers. The soul learns that its occupied energy and aptitude depends of the utilization of the unrefined female as well as the spiritual womanly from this flower essence. - Pomegranate Flower Essence: This fruit tree is native to Western Asia. The flowers are red, gristly and bisexual. Parts of the conceal have been worn to luxury fevers, lymph challenges, leucorrhea, and throat evils. As a flower essence, it promotes heat-hearted feminine creativity, actively productive and promotion at home or in the world. It could be worn universally applied for near all emotional problems. Pomegranate is considered a 'devotion tonic' for women, and if they are having challenges in accepting their femininity, Pomegranate helps them to overcome such insecurities. This essence creates sagacity of nurturing or at the very slightest recognition of a hardship for nurturing within the individuals. Farther, It can open and stimulates the sexual chakra, with the nadis of this chakra being invigorated. This flowered essence genuinely accentuates all aspects of a female's femininity. Meditation and creative visualization can (and should) be readily be used with this essence. - Hibiscus Flower Essence: This essence promotes geniality and responsiveness in female sexuality; integration of soul honey and corporal passion. It may help one overcome inability to relate with one's female sexuality; poverty of geniality and animation, regularly due to former exploitation or abuse. One of the most tragic assaults to the soul dignity of women is the exploitation and commercialization of female sexuality. The greatly wounds the souls of many women so that they no longer feel a warm connection to their sexuality. Often the sexuality is divorced from deeper feelings of like and warmness which come from the kindness. In many suitcases sexual expression becomes cold and unresponsive, because the Soul can no longer call this part of the Self and brew it with passion and caring. Hibiscus flowered essence helps women to reclaim their sexuality, and to restore these soul services with vitality and authenticity. The Hibiscus essence may aid many women who have been sexually traumatized, and it is also normally beneficial for all advanced women who have unconsciously absorbed media imagery and other stereotypes of dehumanized sexuality. This remedied is sometimes also showed for men who need to increase a stronger relationship to feminine heat and confirmed sexuality. Hibiscus creates flowing kindness throughout the body and soul, especially medicinal the sexuality. - Beech Flower Essence: Beech can encourage tolerance, acceptance of others' differences and imperfections, seeing the good within each role and post. It may allocate relief of criticalness, judgmental attitudes, intolerance, perfectionist expectations of others, and oversensitivity to one's societal and physical environment. The Beech flowered essence helps transform the drive to be dangerous due to an inner meaning of inferiority and hypersensitivity which is projected onto others. Very regularly such personnel grew up in an environment of report and harsh expectation, and so they inwardly feel very vulnerable and insecure. However, they learn to handle by condemning others instead of curing themselves. Another characteristic of the Beech flower essence class is hypersensitivity to special environments, both physical and social. Their permeability to the influences around them leads to intolerance of imperfection in others. Beech softens the soul drag such persons feel; as they re-establish connection with their Higher Self, they sense the love an unconditional acceptance that radiates from the spiritual world. Through this warmth of soul, they are able to let go of their harsh and blaming habits, to accept others in the same way that the spiritual world accepted them. - Sunflower Flower Essence: This essence can pass a balanced sense of individuality and a sun-dazzling personality. Sunflower balances the Yin and Yang energies and attunes people to higher wisdom. Those who demonstrate anger or 'hostility' towards their father or other males in their life will help from Sunflower. It could carry increase away from low identity-prize or arrogance, particularly connected to a feeble relation to one's father or distorted mannish aspect of the person. The signature of the Sunflower is mostly astrological since the Sunflower looks like the sun and astrologically the sun is associated with the father, the gentleman ego, and spiritual erudition. Sunflower essence allows the durable character shines forward from the soul, not disparate the sun which radiates in the sky. This kind and wondrous soul trait of sparkle at once inspires with its light, and heals with its warmth. All human souls have within them, this function to shine like the sun, but many are afflicted in their ability to spring this solar weight in a balanced way. Some people mask their rightful sun spirit with feelings of character-effacement and low person-value. This train darkens the actual luster of the Higher Self; in these instances the Sunflower flower essence brings to the soul the quality of light. Others want their brilliance to shine too sturdily, glaring others with pompous self-glory and ego-aggrandizement. For these people, Sunflower flower essence brings out the quality of warmth, or loving compassion. Sunflower flowered essence also heals disturbances or distortions in the soul's relationship to the masculine, often associated with a conflicted or faulty relationship with the father in childhood. These are just a few of the many brilliant flower essences untaken today, though they may be among the most healing for many women. If one or more seems fitting, try running with them for the stop of one month (an astral rotation). This seems to be an appropriate time to give about change through essence control for many wants. It is best to take a few drops of each essence the epoch a day, or add a dropperful to a container of water in the morning and sipping throughout the day - essences are better used in recurrent, small doses. Hopefully these, or other flower essences can help you in your quest to become a brighter, strong and well lady!

Article Source:

About the AuthorTo read about pruning hibiscus and growing hibiscus, visit the Hibiscus Care site.

Butterfly / Butterfly tattoos

Getting the Right Butterfly Tattoos

Author: JC Schwartz

Been incisive for the right tattoo invent for months? Many people go through this and it is part of the method. After all you don't want to flash into getting a tattoo model and end later regretting it. However, it can be frustrating and if you genuinely want a tattoo it can feel like you will never very find it. If you are belief about something womanly and cute then you might want to try a flower and butterfly tattoo. These are great tattoos with brilliant blush and very elastic mean options. Read this term to find out more about flower and butterfly tattoos.

Flower And Butterfly Tattoos Are Hot These are great designs that can be very compliant and clearly tailored to costume your wishes and place. The tattoo figure can fit in a selection of seats on the body and look perfectly set. They make great designs for a superior back, lower back hip and thigh locale. The fashion could also be crammed with just about in ensign you might like. The butterfly and the flower can also be model in a vareity of different behavior. Picking flora that was symbolism and significant to you and a butterfly devise that you very like can actually help make this tattoo best.

Locations To Get A Tattoo - Of course as oral about above these tattoos look great in a variety of locations. The only consideration that you will want to think about first is the mass versus the spot. If you want a sincerely big bold and beefy tattoo then you maybe want something on the back. However, if you are looking for a cute small womanly tattoo then you might want to do it on a hip. The mass of the tattoo has to be prudently shaped o the range of the guise's body and the site where they are getting the tattoo.

Cost - This can genuinely differ a great covenant. A small hip tattooed might only fun $50 bucks but a large packed back or even a big higher back tattoo could easily run $500 dollars. Some other stuff to ponder when establishing the assess for a tattoo other then location and bulk is the reputation of the singer. If you want a top class professional dancer liability the drawing then you are available to have to pay top money. However you will be trying this tattoo for the breather of your life so it is not just the best time to comparison shop for the cheapest tattoo musician. Find somebody who you like there work and somebody you can hearsay with.

Once you have select to get a flower and butterfly tattoo then you will want to next find the propose or find a tattoo comedian to create a purpose for you. When selecting a tattoo dancer make indeed you find someone who will listen to your ideas and take them into consideration. Remember to have fun and have the process and don't draft to try to get the tattoo has done. It will take time but in the end you will be much happier.

About the Author

Learn about life cycle of a butterfly and butterfly migration at the Butterfly Facts site.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Kite Flying

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Kite Flying And The Art of Stress Reduction

Kite Flying And The Art of Stress Reduction

Author: Christine OKelly

In today's over-complicated, over technical world, we tend to forget about the simple pleasures in life like kite flying as we tap away at our keyboards, rushing to meet the next deadline. The non-stop stress and fast paced lifestyle that most Americans are leading is literally aging us before our time! Researchers at the University of California in San Francisco found a direct link between stress and premature aging. Chronic stress actually shrivels the bundles of genes inside the cells, cutting their lifespan short.

No matter how busy we are, if we want to live a more well-balanced, healthier, happier life, we've got to find ways to de-stress. Surprisingly, kite flying has been shown to be one of the best ways to relieve the pressures of a stressful life. Being outdoors in nature while letting your kite become swept away in the breezes along with your anxieties, can be an incredibly relaxing and empowering experience.

An Inexpensive and Relaxing Hobby

Most experts on stress will recommend engaging in a hobby as a way to distress. However, some hobbies require hundreds or even thousands of dollars worth of gear and equipment to start. To take up kite flying, all you need is to buy a kite from a kite store online or in your local area - that's it! A Single line kite can be as inexpensive as 25 dollars while more complicated sport kite and power kite designs often come with a higher price tag.

Kite Flying Skills Don't Take Years to Develop

Choosing a hobby that requires a great deal of learning can add even more stress to your life! Unlike some hobbies that require you to spend countless hours practicing and perfecting, flying a kite is something that just about everyone can pick up quickly.

If you're a beginner, you'll probably want to start with a single line kite and then, if you chose, graduate to more complex kites like the power kite or sport kite sometime in the future. The single line kite is the type of kite that most people are familiar with and also the easiest to fly. Even young children can manage to easily get a single line kite off the ground and into the air with ease.

A Hobby the Entire Family Can Enjoy

One of the most troubling problems that has surfaced as a result of our over-hectic lives, is that families are spending less time together. Unlike many hobbies and methods of relaxation, kite flying is something that the whole family can do together. Single line kite models are easy enough for kids to fly and come in stunning and enchanting designs that capture a child's imagination. There are plenty of colorful single line kite designs made especially for kids such as pirate ships, octopi, butterflies, and tropical fish.

When each member of the family has their own single line kite to fly, it gives you the chance to be together, yet peacefully focused on the movements of your own kite. As your family comes to adopt kite flying as a regular activity, you can graduate together from the single line kite to the more intricate power kite and sport kite for even more excitement. This is a wonderful way for a family to learn and grow together while taking the time to relax and enjoy life.

Article Source:

About the Author

Christine O'Kelly is an author for an online kite store offering low prices on huge selection of single line kites, sport kites, and power kites. offers free shipping on orders over $50, live chat, and an online kite buying guide.



Re-Capture Romance And Bring It Back Into Your Life

Author: Candace Czarny

As life gets more and more busy and as the responsibilities pile up on your plate, such as your career and family, it can be hard to pay attention to the smaller things that make life pleasant. One of the things that you may notice slipping is romance. How can you recapture romance and bring it back into your life and relationship? Understanding the simple philosophy of Feng Shui can improve your romantic life quickly and easily. By creating an every day life full of balance and harmony, you will find romance returning and improvement in your most important relationship, that with your lover or potential mate. With Feng Shui and romance, you must remember that you and what is important to yourself comes before anything else.

If your goal is to improve Feng Shui and romance, it is essential to understand what the love center or romance area of your home is. This romance center is to the far right corner of your house from the entrance, or it is the far right corner of every room that you enter. Focusing on this area of your home or in each room will increase your Feng Shui and romance. A way to improve the romance area is to create a feeling of comfort and relaxation. Do this with smart decorating and design choices, such as using pleasant colors and freeing the area of clutter. You want to have an inviting space that encourages intimacy. When you have a warm and welcoming space, you will find romance flowing more freely through your house and within your life.

An important concept to keep in mind when it comes to Feng Shui and romance is to rid your current life of any past romances. This is simple to do - remove any associations with these past relationships, including mementos and pictures. Once you have done this, you will find it easier to bring a new romance into your life. You may even consider replacing your bed and other bedroom furniture if it has connections with your old love. This change may be more drastic, but it will create an atmosphere that will welcome a new and successful romance.

Other items to remove from your bedroom, and important place in the home for Feng Shui and romance, are objects that are related to other activities that have nothing to do with love. These items include your television, exercise equipment, and personal computer. These everyday objects can be more appropriately placed in other areas of the house where they won't affect the peaceful energies you are trying to create in the bedroom. If these items must remain in the bedroom, try to shield them from view by using a screen or curtain.

Feng Shui and romance in the bedroom can be enhanced by furniture arrangement. When it comes to bed placement, you want to make sure that it is situated as far from the entrance door as possible, although you still want the bed to be within sight from the doorway. A solid headboard is another physical feature that encourages Feng Shui and romance by representing the solidity of the relationship you are pursuing.

Another simple physical aspect to tackle when improving the Feng Shui and romance in your bedroom is to remove any unnecessary clutter. This also applies to any other area of the house, but when it comes to romance it is most essential to clear the bedroom of unsightly and nonfunctional clutter. This includes objects lying on the floor, or excessive decorations on top of your dresser. Clutter certainly does not encourage intimacy and will detract from the atmosphere of romance that you are trying to build with Feng Shui.

Another simple trick is to create the feeling within the bedroom that you are not single, even if you aren't currently in a relationship. Do this by placing a second pillow on your bed and making extra room in your bathroom and closet. This is a good way to use Feng Shui and romance to encourage a potential new love. Also, be sure that the artwork within your bedroom is a reflection of romance by avoiding landscapes that appear lonely or photographs of a single person. Good artwork to include on the walls or on your dresser are pictures of things in pairs, such as two flowers or two animals. These simple measures will encourage romance and love to blossom within your bedroom and life.

A great Feng Shui and romance tip is to bring in living elements from the outdoors. Fresh flowers or an attractive plant are objects that can be incorporated into your home for encouraging a pleasant atmosphere and romance. Of course, do not keep around wilting or dried up flowers, as these will harm your levels of Feng Shui and romance within the home.

To encourage romance within your life, concentrate on the love that is already present, including your family and friends. Embracing this love will create a welcoming attitude for romantic love. Feng Shui and romance will flourish throughout your home and life if you keep a positive spirit that is open to the possibility of a new love.

Article Source:

About the AuthorCandace Czarny,ASID,CFM,LEED AP, "Award Winning" Interior Designer, Feng Shui Expert & author. is continually ranked "Top 10" in Google and Yahoo. Clients testify of dramatic results!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Baby girl

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Current trends in little Girl Clothing.

The fashion industry now offers a huge range of girls designer clothing. Little girls and baby girls can now enjoy a varied and extensive range of fashion collections, which helps them to set a fashion trend of their own.

Even very young girls have their own fashion preferences, which is why top fashion designers are now focusing on creating extensive collections each season especially for girls. In girls clothing boutiques one can find unique, retro, bright, ingenious, interesting, whimsical and fashion forward designs for trendsetting little girls.

Today girls are treated to an array of choices in fashion clothing trends from very tender ages. The vast range of clothing choices presented to girls teaches them to develop a sense of their own clothing originality, nurturing their developing sense of individual style. So what can little girls choose from? What is the way forward in girls fashion?

This season girls clothing, particularly little girls clothing and baby girls clothing trends are swinging away from the ‘mimi me’ designs, heading towards a new chapter, expressions from eras gone by are making their way back into the forefront of little girls and baby girls clothing designs.

Whimsical designs are beginning to appear with flowing cotton voile and silk dresses, layers of ruffles and girly embellishments are prominent, allowing little girls to be just what they are, little girls. The romanticism of the 60’s is evident in girls dresses and skirts. We are seeing a resurgence of puffy, boat neck dresses, lined with tulle, tying at the back with big bows.

Tops and shirts have taken a step back in time to the peace loving 60’s, tees embellished with peace signs are popping up in many designs. My vintage baby’s original designs reflect this era in girls clothing with patchwork dresses and ruffled patchwork peasant skirts and matching baby doll tops.

A season for gorgeous girls dresses, the A-line dress is making a statement in the little girls clothing industry; empire waists, flowing soft fabrics, teaming comfort with style. The girls flapper dress made a come back this season, tiers of beautiful ruffles from top to toe. Silk fabrics give the flapper dress that certain sense of upscale style with a dash of fun for little girls who love to dance.

Girls and baby girls lacey, crotched swing tops and jackets made a return visit. Colours are soft pinks, blues and lilacs for summer – blacks, reds, greys and warm browns for winter. Fastening at the neckline with one large button, allowing the swing jacket to flow outwards from the body to show off the stunning girls outfit underneath.

Prints and patterns are winners with an emphasis on floral designs, eye catching retro and inspired geometrics. Hues are bright for summer clothing and toned down for autumn and winter girls clothing ranges. Solid colours are still prominent, tangerines and limes for summer; greys, reds and blacks for winter. Plaids are in vogue for winter, bright plaids are best with reds, blues and tinges of greens. Argyle is in style for little girls and babies this winter, featuring on sweaters, jackets, pleated 60’s inspired skirts and flared pants. Belted shift dresses are back, as are polka dots, tweeds and ruffles.

An exciting chapter has opened in the little girls fashion industry, the shift away from the ‘mimi me’ look is evident, back to the ‘let little girls look like little girls’ era. There are endless styles, designs and ranges in boutique for the fashion conscious little girl to choose from. So, let’s breathe a sigh of relief that finally we can let little girls look like themselves again.

An apple

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An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

By: Yulia Berry

When it comes making healthy food choices nowadays, it is real easy to get lost among all the different healthy options now available at your local store. Sometimes it is better to stick with what you know than to try every new fangled health food idea that marketers dream up in order get you to part ways with your hard earned cash. Sometimes all you need to do to live a healthier life is to look in the bottom of your refrigerator and pull a nice big juicy apple out of the crisper.

Everybody has heard of that old adage “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Well, it turns out that people have not been saying that for generations just because it happens to rhyme nicely. According to recent research, there is a whole lot of truth behind this little rhyme’s claim. Apples, it turns out, happen to be extremely beneficial fruit and capable of giving you a lot for a little bit of pocket change.

Apples can be found in the supermarket pretty much year round for a really good price and have the tendency to come in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes. They are also a very versatile fruit, showing up in main courses, salads, desserts, and even can stand alone a healthy snack.

The health benefits of the apple:

The apple is loaded with many vitamins, minerals and cancer fighting antioxidants. They are also low in calories and high in dietary fiber making them an ideal diet food. Research has shown that eating apples can help reduce the risk of various cancers including colon, prostate and lung cancer, reduce cholesterol, help improve bowel regularity, and even work to reduce the risk of stroke, type two diabetes and asthma. On top of that apples can even help you keep your youthful appearance, preventing wrinkles and promoting healthy hair growth.

Apples contain:

  • Vitamin A which is good for vision, reproduction, and urinary tract problems.
  • A whole slew of B Vitamins (thiamine, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, and B12) which help with maintaining healthy skin and hair.
  • Fiber: In fact, an apple has more fiber than most cereals making it great for regularity.
  • Pectin which helps lower cholesterol.
  • Vitamin C for a healthy immune system and to help fight off cancer causing free radicals.
  • Niacin which can help opne up blood vessels and lower cholesterol.
  • Phosphorous: for healthy bones and teeth.
  • Magnesium which is good for a healthy heart, strong bones and can also aid in the absorption of other minerals such as calcium and potassium (important for women who are pregnant, menopausal or at risk for osteoporosis).
  • Iron which the liver and blood need in order to function.
  • Potassium: a mineral that helps lower blood pressure and keeps the heart healthy.
  • Quercetin: a flavanoid  that has been found to help fight prostate cancer.
  • Phytonutrients: found in the skin of the apple, capable of stopping the enlargement of colon cancer cells.

As you can see the little apple is a nutritional powerhouse as well as a delicious snack. Eating one can help you treat constipation, lower cholesterol, get rid of bodily toxins, give a boost to beneficial bacteria in your intestinal tract, help stop diarrhea and gastroenteritis and keep your immune system in tip top shape.

About the Author

Yulia Berry is an independent health researcher and author of the best selling e-books Aloe - Your Miracle Doctor and Pharmacy In Vegetables. She distributes a weekly newsletter regarding great home remedies and has written dozens of natural health articles published on hundreds of websites worldwide. Yulia Berry's new ebook 'Unlocked Secrets of Curative Garlic' to be released soon.

(ArticlesBase SC #1433595)

Article Source: - An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Floating flowers

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Fresh Flowers Aren't Just for the Dining Room Table
By Claire Bowes

Fresh Flowers in All the Traditional Places

When you think of a beautiful floral arrangement, you often think of the dining room table, especially if it is holiday time. And why not? Beautiful dining centerpieces have graced our tables for centuries. Whether you are having a party, decorating for a holiday, or simply adding a beautiful touch, keep in mind that floral arrangements should complement the décor and mood of the room. Remember, too, you don't have to have a traditional arrangement just because you find it in a traditional location. Instead of one big center arrangement, you may want to try a series of vases and candles on a fabric runner for a stunning effect.

Another traditional location for fresh flowers is in the foyer or entranceway. What a great way to make a terrific first impression. Regardless of your style, flowers in the entryway can create the mood from the moment someone walks through your door. Is your home formal? Try an elegant centerpiece or a piece of artwork on a pedestal draped with a garland and flowers. For a homier, friendlier look, place a basket with a garden bouquet on the entry table. No matter what your style, flowers can enhance your home.

Beyond Tradition

Let's not stop with tradition! Fresh flowers are so beautiful that they should not be relegated to the dining room and entryway alone. Why not brighten every room in your house? Let's look at a few ideas to help you think outside the box.

Kitchen: Think beyond basil and oregano! Fill your kitchen window ledge with pots of herbs and sun-loving plants like kalanchoe, African violets, or primroses. A few well-placed gerbera daisies can help spice up your kitchen, too. The best part is that you can enjoy your mini-harvest every day.

Bedroom: Add a touch of romance in your bedroom with a few beautiful stems that complement or accent the color of your linens or wallpaper. There is simply nothing like waking up to a delicate scent drifting from your nightstand. Tea roses, freesias, peonies, lilac and lilies, all have delicious fragrances.

Guest Bedroom: Welcome your guest with a bright floral addition. Visitors feel extra special with a bright bunch of cut flowers sitting pretty on the guest room nightstand.

Bathroom: Flowers in the bathroom? Why not! A simple plastic tumbler filled with fragrant blossoms makes an attractive air freshener. You can even add floating rose-petals in a bath to spoil a friend!

Office: Any job is more enjoyable when the surroundings are cheerful and attractive, and what is more cheerful than cut flowers? Bring nature indoors and make yourself happier and healthier!

Laundry Room: I can hear you now - NOT the laundry room, too! Yes, even the laundry room can use a bit of sunshine. Rinse out an old bleach or detergent bottle, fill it with cut flowers and place it on your washing machine or shelf. It'll help lighten the load on washday!

Staircase: Create a "stepped" effect with a series of flowers in interesting containers.

There is nothing wrong with tradition - a big floral arrangement on the dining room table is always a welcomed addition to the décor of the room. Fresh flowers, however, don't have to stay in the dining room. Be creative! Think unique! Put them in all your nooks and crannies! And yes, even put them in your bathroom!

You Don't Have to be a Floral Designer

You've been to the florist before and know that you can't create the gorgeous centerpieces you find there, nor can you afford to buy them already made. Don't worry! Simply buy some fresh flowers, take them home, and experiment. Anything that can hold water is a possibility for a flower arrangement.

Water Pitchers





Watering Cans

Soda Bottles

Mason Jars

Champagne Bottles


Even a Child's Plastic Cup

Once you have a few containers, the fun begins. Try filling a clear glass with flowers and fill with colored marbles. Create a cluster of different sized flower-filled bottles on a coffee table. Use bowls and shallow dishes for floating flower heads or petals and add floating candles for a bright and shining effect.

Mother Nature has created great beauty in flowers and you simply can't go wrong. Develop your own personal style and taste by experimenting with different colors and types of flowers. Each week try a different look, color, or kind of flower.

The complementary colors of flowers can brighten any part of the house, from the kitchen to the family room to the bedroom. Expand your ideas to different areas throughout your home. The important thing is to have fun and enjoy.

Claire Bowes is a successful freelance writer and owner of Online Home Improvement Ideas [].

Article Source: [] Fresh Flowers Aren't Just for the Dining Room Table