How to Conceive a Baby Boy - Improve The Chances of Having a Son
Author: Francesca Hopkins
For couples who already have daughters, many will wonder if it is possible to learn how to conceive a baby boy. Although gender selection techniques are often frowned about by many, there is no doubt whatsoever that parents who already have two or more children of the same sex, and who are wanting further children, would generally like a child of the opposite sex, even thought they may not admit to it!For most though, this is nothing more than a passing thought and although there may be a deep-seated desire to improve the chances of having a son, nothing will be done apart from some "finger crossing" and possibly "praying".However, what many people do not know is that there are some very simple things you can do right away to help you to conceive a son. Natural methods which are successful rely on using a multifaceted approach which uses all the scientific knowledge we have about the behavior of all the various elements involved in conception, such as the timing of intercourse, the behavior of the sperm and ovum, the diet of both partners - and the list goes on. By harnessing every bit of knowledge and putting it into practice both before and at the time of conception, some methods claim a success rate of up to 95%.One method relies on understanding the differences between male and female sperm. Male sperm is smaller and faster than its female counterpart and does not live as long. By having intercourse as close to the time of ovulation as possible, you can ensure that the fast, male sperm will reach the newly released egg first. Using this method, it is important to ensure that you do not have intercourse before ovulation or the longer lasting female sperm will survive and be ready and waiting to fertilize the egg.Another tip is to have intercourse using positions which favor deeper intercourse. Male sperm prefer an alkaline environment and as the area near to the cervix is alkaline this is naturally more supportive of male sperm. If you are interested in learning more about how to conceive a baby boy, you may like to consider the excellent, highly rated guide "How To Pick Your Baby's Gender". It claims a consistent success rate of over 94% and the customer testimonials certainly indicate a high degree of satisfaction. To improve your chances of having a son, you can also subscribe to the free, regular newsletter related to the guide. You can find details of this at my website, Pick Your Baby's Gender..
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