By Tina L. Jones
Are you finding it impossible to get a guy to beg for you? Is it a fantasy to have a guy so hungry for you that he'd do anything to gain your attention? Are you usually the one doing the begging and you'd like to switch that around? Find out what men really want then show them that you have it.
The first thing you need to do is get your look together. Regardless of what Mother Nature gave you, make the most of it. Look around you and you'll see that women of every shape and size are capable of putting the glamour on when they choose to and they can put the sex pot on as well.
The key is to balance out your look so that you look neither too severe and strict, nor too easy and cheap. Your clothes should tell the world you're flirty and fun and ready to meet interesting people. A wardrobe or a hairstyle that is too weird, strange or offbeat can be good if this is the type of guy you're hoping to attract, but it can turn off a lot of guys who might simply find it too strange.
Remember that what you look like will be a big reflection of the person you are, so ensure that you're sending out the right message.
If there's an aspect of your body that doesn't please you, do what you can to improve it. There's no point just complaining and wishing things were different. Work what you've got, change what you can.
When you know you're looking great, get the attitude to go with it. Men are rarely drawn to the girl who cowers in the corner afraid to talk to anyone. Let yourself be seen and show them that you love yourself. Your confidence should radiate warmth and approachability, however, not arrogance and vanity.
A warm smile, a hearty laugh and a vivacious personality go a lot further than you think. Surely you've seen it happen in a club; the pretty girls all sit there being pretty while the more gawky girl is the life of the party, attracting all the guys.
Don't underestimate the power of who you are. In addition to finding a woman physically appealing, men do want a woman they can enjoy spending time with. Be aware of how you look, but don't obsess over it. It's your personality that will win him in the end.
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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.
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