Monday, March 22, 2010


What Has the Government not Been Telling Us About UFOs

Author: Peter Ruble

Ironically, it is so called "conspiracy theorists" such as Alex Jones and Anthony J. Hilder, who are preaching to the public to reject the idea of alien invaders. Instead, they feel that the classic UFO's could be man made crafts, probably housed in Area 51, that could someday be used as the ultimate false flag terror alert to frighten the public into submission. There is evidence that such a stunt would work when you consider the famous H.G Wells fictional radio broadcast of War of The Worlds in the 1930's that caused many to believe that they were hearing reports of a true alien invasion. Alex Jones, who is a phenomenally successful syndicated radio talk show host and filmmaker, said during a broadcast that he does not believe that a fake UFO false flag invasion will occur in the near future but that it is a possibility. He did mention on one of his radio broadcasts that he did believe that if the government needed a false flag of titanic proportions it could build a fake UFO, much like the craft that landed during the Olympics Games in Beijing China, and have genetically engineered, mutated animals tumble out of it to bring the nation into a panic to give the government a chance to step in and say that they have things under control as long as people submit to martial law until things are under control. UFOs are sometimes an element of elaborate conspiracy theories in which governments are said to be intentionally covering up the existence of aliens, or sometimes collaborating with them. Some also contend that physical evidence is swiftly and sometimes clumsily suppressed by governments, aiming to insulate a population they regard as intellectually unprepared to deal with the social, theological, and security implications of dealing with the knowledge and that people would stop working, shopping, and possibly explode in an uncontrollable worldwide panic. There are also conspiracy theories which claim that physical evidence might have been removed and/or destroyed by some governments. Again, many polls show that about 70 percent of the population feels that the government has not been sharing everything it knows about UFOs or extraterrestrial life. It is assumed by many ufologists that the government, especially the CIA, is lying and covering up alien landings and communication. The hypothesis that UFOs are either top secret American or Russian manmade craft led to the creation of the Air Force's Project Sign in 1947 to try and debunk these claims. As the UFO phenomenon raged in the 50's, Project Sign eventually morphed into Project Grudge and then the infamous Project Blue Book In 1952. In 1948, the government wrote a top-secret intelligence estimate to that effect. Its final report, published in 1951, remained secret for over 50 years until a secret study of UFOs undertaken for the UK's Ministry of Defense between 1996 and 2000 was publicly released in 2006 through the Freedom of Information Act. Other private or governmental studies, some secret, have concluded in favor of the studies conclusions or have had individual members who disagreed with the official conclusions. According to the report, alien craft had been discovered that was capable of surviving for long periods of time underwater and would occasionally dock with a recently discovered secret undersea alien base. Ufologists claim that the label conspiracy theory is no longer valid and that this is a case of an evidential conspiracy with credible people revealing secrets within the system. Although the vast majority of claims related to UFO sightings were officially debunked as natural phenomenon or hoaxes, Top Secret USAF European documents did state that Swedish air intelligence had informed them that at least some of their investigations into what were named "ghost rockets" and "flying saucers" had to have extraterrestrial origins. Formerly top secret files from the Soviet Navy contain a lot of valuable information on UFO sightings. Fresh from the government's Navy files, which span 50 years and include numerous eyewitness testimony, you can find numerous documented sightings and unexplained phenomena along with a stunning collection of data that presents the most chilling evidence to date suggesting that UFOs are indeed real extra terrestrial craft and that a government cover-up has long suppressed this truth. Former Soviet Naval officers have told numerous stories of serving on Soviet nuclear submarines and being chased by other underwater craft that accelerated at speeds inaccessible to man made craft, changing directions at will, and even dashing out of the water to hover in the air. According to ufologist Jordan Maxwell, aliens or other extra terrestrial forces have for a long time been manipulating the "ignorant masses" through secret societies, witchcraft, magic, the occult, and religion. Also, that world governments reveal these secrets to a select few who are considered intelligent enough to deal with the mind boggling truth behind the so-called conspiracy, and that they will be the ones rescued from the pain and suffering that the ignorant masses will reap upon one another. Reports of unidentified aerial phenomena date back to ancient times, but modern reports and the first official investigations began during World War II with sightings of so-called "foo fighters" by Allied airplane crews, and in 1946 with widespread sightings of European "ghost rockets". Most military and civilian UFO investigations concluded that the majority of objects can be identified as whether balloons of military aircraft. In the end, Project Bluebook concluded that only 3% percent of all UFO claims could not be explained as terrestrial. However, with the general public being more and more distrusting of the government, the flames of UFO conspiracies have only grown with time and will probably continue to do so. For some great information on UFOs and conspiracies including 3000 UFO related links check out the ebook UFO Aliens Info Ebook + 3000 UFO links.

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About the AuthorArticle by Peter Ruble of American Rubles

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